I toyed with the idea of having a removeable floor as per the kit for access to the rudder posts. I couldn't figure out how to make it work though due to the shape of the floor on my version. So, I've gone prototypical and made access hatches in the floor. All shown below with some of the runners attached as well.
The transom door is also taking shape. I've used the original hull for the outside and syrene inside. The 3 handles on the inside were made from styrene tube cut in half and 2mm brss rod. These were painted before fitting(see the first photo below). It all seemed to ho together smoothly but once dry disaster. The inside face had bowed in dispite a reinforcing strip inside. I can only guess that as the filler I used on the top and bottom dried, it pulled the inside face in. So, more filler and I now have a near flat surface. A lot more effort than I anticipated but worth it. This is shown below with the various fillers clearly visible!